Anyway, I updated a client’s web site; did some cooking prep, and am about to tidy up the place a bit before starting supper.
Not sleeping well; having nightmares, or mystifying dreams unfolding in real places and situations I know well. Only the people are out of the ordinary and the circumstances are ludicrous. Oh, and the bright colours – as in Fellini’s first colour film, Juliet of the Spirits. Outlandish, staggeringly vivid, hyper real and making little or no sense at all, so I am startled awake and drenched thanks to cold sweats. Change of clothes, back to bed, but nothing helps.
Honestly, I am not eating or drinking anything before turning in. Water is my drug of choice following supper, that and the occasional dish of ice cream. Maybe Chamomile tea for a winter nightcap is in my future.
Now don’t go analyzing this situation, it’s probably no more than stress and the full moon. Someone told me that I analyze things too much…I wonder what she meant by that. Yes, I know…yuk, yuk, yuk.
OK, sleep depravation isn’t pretty. But then, neither am I.
Tonight I am about to begin re-reading “The Healing of America” by Marianne Williamson, which I haven’t read since first published in 1997. I am praying for the future of our country and this book will give me hope again, and provide a little peace.
Jeez, I am as gloomy as the day has been. I need to get out of here tomorrow, if only for a walk on the beach.
Gotta get out!!! No, really.
i hope you sleep well; visualize you are safe and it is OK to fall asleep.