Thursday, December 4, 2008

Bewitched, Befuddled, and Bemused.

Breaking News: my apartment has been invaded by ladybugs. No, really. I just got in and there are at least three little guys flying around the place; occasionally lighting on the curtains or a lampshade. I don’t know what they are doing out this time of year, it’s cold and raw (smells like snow), but here they are. Maybe it’s some sort of sign. I hope it’s a good one – I don’t need any more bad news.

Oh, and the Ladybug is Delaware’s state bug. How’s that for TMI?

I haven’t been posting much about daily happenings because there ain’t much been going on – aside from hyperventilating over the hospital bills and the oh-so-slow decrease in lower back pain. I barely made it through working three consecutive days, and am now off for three, so that is a blessing.

The good sales of last week have dwindled this week and I couldn’t help but notice that even Wal*Mart’s parking lot was only about half full. Unheard of this time of year, but there it is.

Only one chore is absolutely critical - the laundry - which I’ll get done tomorrow morning so as to rest the back for what time is left before returning to work.

I’m setting up the crock pot with ingredients for a chicken and veggie soup and when that’s done, containerized, and in the freezer, there’s a pork loin roast recipe I am dying to try, so this place should smell heavenly for the next few days.

There is no place like home…if only I had one.

And so it goes.



  1. In the parts in which I grew up, having ladybugs in the house was considered good luck! May it be so for you!

  2. they are more likely not ladybugs but japanese beetles - they look alike but the later are pests.

  3. Where I'm from too, they're a sign of good luck!! I had thousands one time in my apartment in Atlanta, they'd come in through some hole in a screen and the windows were open, it was hysterical, I wish I'd taken pictures. A friend came over to help me scoop them up and we put them in her garden, it was beautiful that year! Enjoy your new found lucky charms!

  4. When you see three of them in a short period, like now, you can make a wish.

  5. Ladybugs are good! I had a passel of them explode in my shed when it was located on my Mother's property in Pennsylvania. The shed is down here now and the only visitors it has now are mice. Bill trapped SIX of them this week. There was a beautiful calico cat on my lawn last night when I drove in from work. Maybe she heard. Count your blessings my friend, an invasion of lady bugs means good things are about to happen.


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