Tuesday, December 21, 2010

One Hour and Forty Minutes = One Errand

Yes friends, that's how long it took to get the single, important errand done this morning. You know the old saying, "if you want to make G*d laugh, make plans" well that's what happened to me today.

Pulled it together (well, as best I could) and headed out of town at about 8:30 am.  There was some kind of back-up when I got to the highway, but couldn't tell what was happening while merging into traffic.

WOW! What luck!  I find myself driving behind a convoy moving an historic house to a new location (I found this info later on local radio, which I never listen to, btw) that took up ALL THREE northbound lanes of the roadway. I knew that whimpering and stomping feet wouldn't do any good, so I just crept along behind the huge convoy of flatbeds and state troopers leading the way.

I learned later that the house was being moved to a new and safer location about 15 miles away. Fortunately, I only had to be in the procession for about 4 miles -inching along at about 5 mph - so I think you get an idea of where the time went. And, no, there is no way around this sort of thing. Just go with the flow.

Picked up the necessary prescription and headed home. Following soft-boiled egg and toast breakfast, I set about making the chicken soup.  I had no stock left, so I used some of the processed stuff (which is way too salty - adding extra water to dilute) sauteed the boneless chicken thighs, diced them, and chopped celery, carrots, and onions along with some lemon zest, basil and, near the end, tossed in some egg noodles.  Then turned the whole thing off and let it set.

Ran a load of laundry while preparing the above recipe and was happy to notice that we have a NEW clothes dryer which makes life so much easier. The old dryer ran for 15 minutes, which meant more and more coins to get the job done.  The new dryer runs for an hour for whites/high settings and half hour for more delicate items.  Well, it made my day a little brighter and will for months to come.

Though it only rested for a couple of hours, I enjoyed a bowl of the soup with some leftover garlic bread and it made for a heavenly meal. The soup will be much tastier next time.

Yes, I know it's time for olives, but not sure that's what I want tonight. Since it's so cold and the winds are out of the northwest I'll treat myself to a Sazerac - that should ensure a good night's sleep.

And so it goes.

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