Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Domestic Day & Dealing with Deluge

Man, am I ever happy that I followed my instincts yesterday and played outdoors.  The rains blew in over night and I have been busy all day checking off the items on my gay agenda originally scheduled for yesterday.

Shoes are shined, slacks are pressed, shirts are ironed and even a few loose buttons were sown more securely in place.  Vacuumed the living room and watered the plants. A big pot of chili is simmering on the stove and I have a chicken marinating and just about ready to roast for supper. Just call me Dolly Domestic! I used to be Connie Casserole, but graduated some years ago. "Oh, Mary.  Don't ask."

All is quiet here now.  The little ones have left the pre-school downstairs, heading for home with their mommies or daddies even the teachers have finished cleaning up and left the building. Nice, indeed. And as luck would have it, it's almost time for olives in this time zone.

Oh, and pee ess: The leak in the closet was not repaired properly. This is the first major rains since the repair was supposedly done about 2 weeks ago. Color me skeptical.  Glad I put the bed linens in a Rubbermaid tub and left the bucket on the shelf after all. I'd hate to have had to wash them all over again.  Beware of roofers without extension ladders.  Imagine that. Amazing, isn't it. I'm not kidding.

In any event, I am rested and ready to return to work tomorrow looking pretty spiffy in my work duds and shiny shoes, if I may say so myself.


And so it goes.


  1. Hope the landlord finally gets some good roofers in. There's more heavenly water on its way [but it shouldn't end up in your home].

  2. I just knew you had a Gay Agenda. Hidden or otherwise.


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