Sunday, February 8, 2015

Back To Where I Don’t Belong!

Like it or not, I have returned to the scene of the crimes (all of them) although (again) the powers that were insisted it would never happen. Plans to go directly into Rehab following the heart fungal infection treatment (6 weeks!) were shot down the very day of my last heart treatment. 

Seems the Rehab Center had to be shutdown due to an outbreak of an intestinal infection that hit the residents hard. Now, can you imagine my reaction if I had arrived in time to be forced into shutdown mode and had to deal with yet another attack on my immune system? No, me neither.

The hospital was stunned, but even more-so when a test swab revealed that I had Type A Influenza.  I wrote about this in a brief update recently, so I won’t go into the gory details. The episode knocked me out for another week, the hospital went into full isolation mode again and I became Neutropenic - again.  There went my fresh fruits and vegetables..It was nice while it lasted.

When it was time to reschedule a room in Rehab, there were none available except in the one that NO ONE wants to be admitted to and to which I also declined. 

Suddenly my apartment looked pretty good to them and it was clear they wanted me out of there as I wanted out of there before I was hit with another infection out of the blue.

So, me and my 23 days of necessities for rehab were stuffed into an ambulance and shipped to my old apartment.

The only difference, and it’s a big one, is that I have been registered with and admitted to Delaware Hospice, which ought to make my life less stressful and rest a little easier.  I get to stay home and people come to me for basic care and nursing needs.

The final home admissions interview was conducted yesterday morning - about 2.5 hours - and I felt much better following the meeting.  There is still much I don’t know about or understand and I am stressed enough to imagine that it could all be taken away in an instant (it does involved Medicare/Medicaid after all.) but for now it feels pretty good.

Had an uncomfortable, sleepless, strange night with little rest and woke up to this for my card of the day:
“The middle of the night - you are startled out of sleep, nightmare, undigested thoughts: get up and work out what you can do about it!  It’s dark, and many lights appear; mental flashes.  Nine Swords: a whole gamut of new knowledge and insights - exhausting - get used to them carefully.”

I'm still organizing my thoughts and experiences so...More later.




    at least in your own place you won't be subject to nasty infections.

    it makes me happy to hear you are at home! :)

  2. I think that what's they call a 'silver lining', C. I do hope it turns out to be much, much more than that. Meanwhile, 'Welcome Home!' It must, at the very least, be of quite some comfort to be surrounded by what is familiar to you. Let's all hope that it works out fine and that we can be happy for you.
    Warm hugs, as ever - furry ones from the pussies too.

  3. Thank goodness you're in our own home again and being cared after by hospice workers. Are you up for visitors? I was down on the boardwalk this morning and had a feeling you were "in the area." Actually, as I was walking the boards I was thinking of the last time you wrote about "walking the boards." I hope you can do that again soon.

  4. Glad to hear you can return to your Castle and like a King be tended to by your new healthcare Minions.
    That will go a long way to making you feel better on many levels.
    Rest easy my friend..... ;-)

  5. See, you shoulda started writing that book when I asked you to. Keep on riding that star, baby, it's all that's left you. Glad this chapter is over for you.

  6. You will undoubtedly sleep better in the comfort of your home, and hopefully not catch any more illnesses from all those sick people at the hospital! Glad to hear about this. Don't hesitate to call on me if I can help.

  7. SO many of my comments from my phone don't post, but I'm always reading, and always delighted to see you posting. I hope you continue to find strength to do what needs be done and to find as much pleasure in your days and nights as you are able. *hug*


  8. thanks for the good information you have got right here on this post!


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