Saturday, June 16, 2007

Caps on Cards at Gas Pumps

Guess I got rid of the White Monster just in time. I now fill the tank every two weeks and it costs less than half what what I used to spend in a week. Nice change, that. I had no idea about these caps.

This from AP:

CHARLOTTE, N.C. (AP) - So you're at the gas station filling up your vehicle, and without warning the gas pump shuts off. What? The tank isn't full, and you know your credit card isn't over its limit.

``Using my Visa card, I commonly hit a limit and I would be standing there scratching my head,'' Shawn Bloomfield, who pumps premium gas into his SUV, said from his home in Allentown, Pa. ``I would always assume it is the gas station setting a limit on how much gas I could purchase. It felt like a ration scenario.''

As the price of gasoline continues to rise, rules to prevent credit card fraud at the nation's pumps are confusing consumers who just want a full tank of gas.

Caps on transaction amounts - or the total dollar amount of gas a customer can pump into their car - are limiting some drivers of gas-guzzling vehicles.

Read the rest HERE.

More later.


1 comment:

  1. And here I have been cussing out the stations for rationing the gas. Many, this really sucks. If I could afford a new car I would get one, but I am stuck in a rock or hard place.
    Thank for this info.


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