Friday, June 22, 2007

You Can't Make This Up: Vol. 35434.

Today was one of those errands-on-a-planned-route days. Meaning, start with the closest and then circumnavigate so that the last stop is closest to your best route back to base. Or the other way round. Saves time and fuel. You know what I am talking about. But this day there were twists and coincidences that made me go, hmmmmmmmm!

First up: 8:30 am. And I stop for an iced coffee and plain bagel. A car exactly same colour as mine pulls up in front of me in the parking lot. The driver smiles as we both get out at the same time and says, “nice car, you like mine?”

“Oh absolutely. Do you like mine?”

Then she stops and takes it in…it’s the striping.

She says, “No, I like YOURS better. Those stripes are so beautiful.

I say nothing, just smile. She looks a bit unhappy.

I get my coffee and hit the road to the first errand.

CAMP Rehoboth: where I want to drop off a cell phone and accessories for battered and abused women’s use. It’s early and the meters are not yet in effect. Having dropped off the phone I head back to the car to find another Corolla (a red one) parking behind me.

“Do you have enough space to back out,” he asked. Then “how do you like your Corolla?”

“I like it fine.” He’s eyeing the car and can’t quite figure out why it is different.

“Is it new?”

“Yes, to me, it is. Actually it’s a 2005 model”

There is this befuddled look on his face as he wishes me a good day and goes about his business. Was it the striping?

Moving on to the Auto Gallery where I bought the car, to have it washed, the place is teeming with folks eyeing the classic cars on the lot and as my car gets hand washed a crowd begins to gather. It’s the stripes again. Jeez!

Next up was an appointment where condo owners and businesses share the parking lot. As I pulled in there was a guy getting out to his car – again the exact same metallic blue colour – and he paused, stared at my car, then looked at his car. (This is getting to be too funny) As I exited my car, he greeted me and asked what year my car is, how many miles, where was it purchased, and - - - where did I get THOSE STRIPES???

At first I debated whether I ought to give him the info or not. But, hell, there are so many colour combinations to play with I thought, why not. So I gave him one of the Auto Gallery’s Cards and went on my way.

At this point I was starving and stopped for a burger and, yes, you guessed it, another Corolla – a beige one – parks beside me. This is unbelievable. He asks how I like the car, and off we go into Toyotaland. He notices the stripes and bemoans that he wasn’t offered those by his dealer (in Ohio!). I explain that my dealer suggested them to set the car apart.

“They do,” he said. And then walked in the restaurant.

I drove back to the house with mixed emotions. Did the stripes offend some Corolla owners while making others happy at the difference? I don’t know, and frankly, I don’t care. The interesting thing is that Toyota owners remind me of the Honda moped owners in NYC back in the 60s when the commercial tag line was “you meet the nicest people on a Honda” and I can honestly say that about Toyota Corolla owners in 2007.

Who’da thunk it?

More later.


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