Thursday, June 28, 2007

Running On Empty So, Make a Wish...

Having been told that I am no longer welcome in this house, and I should leave as soon as possible, I have been frantically looking for a new space. Not having much luck.

It’s tourist season and that’s where the big bucks are.

Between work, medical appts., and packing I am running on empty. I am exhausted.

I have never felt so alone.

I awoke this morning at about 4 am, and listened to a meditation tape – which helped calm me, but didn’t help me get back to sleep. So I got up, dressed and went out for breakfast (something I haven’t done in a while) then made my way to church for a weekly service of healing. And what a blessing that was.

The service was well attended and after Communion, there were more than a few of us who needed to receive a personal blessing and laying on of hands. Compared with some of the others, my problems seemed small. But they loom large in my life. I prayed for stability, inner peace, my present landlord, a few friends, my sister, our military, and a place to call home. May it be so.

I make a wish even as I pray.

More later.


1 comment:

  1. The quote goes something like this "Under God's earth there is a rhyme and reason for everything. Sometimes it is hard for us to understand the why we are tested but that is so." Having recently gone through a situation recently that threatened my way of life, I can idenifty with the ordeal that you are going through. Trust me, you will be in a better place when all this strum and drang is over. Keep that boa at the ready!


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