Wednesday, August 5, 2009

DNC: "Enough of the Mob"

Listening to clips of various town hall meetings yesterday on NPR - not to mention their own stoopid running commentary - I wondered if anyone was going to go after these crazies. Then this arrived in my inbox last night.

Now, when are the 90 percent of those attending, who really have valid questions on the issues going to stand up and out shout them or have them ejected from the meetings?

We all know what this is really about. There is a black man in the White House and that is unacceptable. Plain and simple.

Maybe more later...busy week.


1 comment:

  1. Not to mention that (despite my objections and resevations on some topics - such as DADT, etc) he is getting things done. The evidence is clear, it is driving the right bat-shit crazy.


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