Monday, March 15, 2010

Polar Bears: 10 - Weather: 0

OK, one Polar Bear Plunge under the belt and, all in all, a moving event. To see so many people braving the cold, wind, rain, and frigid ocean water for the cause was almost overwhelming.

As I arrived at the restaurant at 9 am yesterday, there were already dozens of people of all ages, shapes, and sizes dressed in pajama bottoms, (most sporting a polar bear print or motif) which covered their swim suits, getting out of cars and retrieving extra towels and sandals out of trunks and milling around waiting for restaurants and coffee houses to open.

We opened at 10 am to a light crowd at first; by 11 we were doing brisk business, and the special menu was a hit.

By noon street traffic was virtually at a standstill as plungers and onlookers alike began to fill the town making their way to the beach. Onlookers hunting for the best vantage point to watch, plungers huddling together in families or sponsorship groups.  Our little group of 5 was in rare form wearing bright green feathered hats with their jammies, looking so cute and all.

Oh my, yes, there were many costumes involved. There was a "Let's Make a Deal" meets "St. Patrick's Day" atmosphere about the whole event. All creative, some truly outrageous; all great fun.

Of course, the emergency services from the state, county, and local towns were at the ready in case there were health issues, and the press was well represented - print and TV coverage would be given special access to areas otherwise off limits to the casual viewer.

All went off without a hitch - the plunge ended at 1:20pm and the participants changed in vehicles, or home for hot showers - many chose to come in for drinks, shots, and hot meals. The restaurant was toasty and was full of excited plungers all afternoon. There were several big parties of between 12 and 25 who make the restaurant their annual post-plunge venue. They have standing reservations for the event.

By the time I finished my shift ( an hour and a half late) the bar was packed and the restaurant was nearing that point. It was a long, exhausting day and I felt happy to have played a small part in a big event.  I slept well last night.

I learned this morning that the place was slammed all night - something unexpected because of the nasty weather - and the kitchen was put through its paces until closing time. The bar remained the place to be until it closed, as well.  As we say in the south, "a good time was had by all."

One sad note: I am no longer a Plunge virgin. (sniff!)

Feh! I'll live! Now, where are the olives?

And so it goes. (or, went?)


  1. But like all who have lost their virginity, you will remember the day. ;)


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