Tuesday, October 25, 2011

About That Food Safety Class

Back on September 20, 2011, along with 2 other co-workers, I endured attended the 13-hour ServSafe Food Handling Safety course in Pokomoke, Maryland. That post is HERE. Though we were told the exam results would be mailed to us in about 2 weeks, it's been 5 and we've heard nothing.

So today I decided to take the plunge and created an account (not that I will have use for it in the future, it's the only way to get your personal exam score and summary) at the ServSafe site, via the NRA - National Restaurant Association - to find out the results, for better or worse.  It turns out I passed!  Here's the summary from the site.  Sorry it's kind of jumbled, Blogger doesn't like certain formats, I guess.
ServSafe Examination Results

Form Information

Test Form - 4639    

Pass Percent Score - 75%
Your Percent Score      - 91%

Domain Summary 

Domain                                     % Score

I. Foods                                          95%
II. Clean/Sanitize/Maint.              89%
III. Facilities                                  83%
IV. Monitoring Food Personnel    92%
V. Temp. Measuring Devices      100%
VI. Allergens                                 67%
VII. High-Risk Populations        100%
VIII. Legal/Regulatory Issues     75%
IX. Facility Layout/Design         100%
X. Training Employees               100%
OK, I'm happy with the score, especially since we didn't have the course material beforehand.  However, I am not pleased with the 67% score on food allergens - I know I did better than that.

Anyway, I sent messages to Sasha and Daniel telling them to do the same.  They're both afraid to find out their personal results because they have convinced themselves that they failed.  I'm not so sure.  If a novice-jerk of my magnitude, with minimal experience in food safety and restaurants in general, can pass this thing, I am sure they did, too. In any event, they will know for sure and can always retake the exam.

I don't know whether to sit on the information, or share it with the locosguys.  They haven't asked any questions since the day of the exam. They may have assumed that we all failed and let it go at that. And, I don't need any more responsibilities on my daily plate, thank you very much.

I am in the process of safely thawing chicken pieces for a stew this evening, so I will attend to that while indulging in a couple of olives and a little afternoon music.  It's 5 o'clock somewhere!

And so it goes.


  1. SHARE IT !!!! and everyone always score low on the allergn section sir !

  2. Congratulations -- maybe.

    Perhaps you were drafted to be the coach or tutor before yo evel left the restaurant (although, I do think that it is a good idea to have everybody cross trained for food safety just on general principles).

    Will J

  3. You guys sounds as if you know this stuff already. Thanks for the visits and comments.

    Don't understand the low score on allergens. Multiple choice and we had just seen the film. I am very surprised I did well in the bacteria department. I couldn't pronounce the buggers (no pun intended) and thought I got a few mixed up.


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