A couple of things of note; the pipe in the closet only dripped during 1 of the 3 recent heavy rains. Of course, that storm was the nor'easter that blew through Halloween weekend. The bucket remains in place. No reason to return the linens to the shelves and clothes to the racks in that section until I know all is as it should be. Yes, it is a large walk-in closet. On Friday, I decided to call the landlord again just in case.
During our conversation I suggested that he not pay the roofers until the job was completed to my satisfaction. While I was on a roll, I asked if he paid the contractor who was supposed to have fixed the burner thermostat on the stove. Because, I said, I contacted him personally and he promised to come by again and fix the burners, and never showed up. I called him again (before the tourist season set in) and again he told me he would stop by - then telling me that if he couldn't fix them, or get the proper parts, I would have to make the best of the situation, as apartment-size stoves were no longer manufactured.
Again, he was a no-show. During the summer I left messages twice more (his caller ID must have alerted him so he let it go to voicemail) but never received so much as a return call. I told the landlord I knew he was lying about the stove availability, and was pissed at his arrogance, but didn't say anything. A quick visit to the website or actual store like Lowe's or Home Depot would prove him wrong. He assumed I was an idiot, I guess.
The landlord sounded annoyed by this information and said he'd get back to me. The call came yesterday while I was at work. His office asked if I would mind if he visited the apartment. Of couse, I didn't mind, had no idea why he wanted access. With no rain lately, there would be no evidence of the leak, aside from the pictures which are still in the camera I had with me. Three hours later another call came telling me a new stove would be delivered and installed on Wednesday and that the LL was sorry for any inconvenience.
Now this is a double-edged sword. I love this old stove with wide, thick coils and perfect oven thermostat (absolute heaven for baking). As the saying goes, "they don't make'em like that anymore." (Click the image to embiggen.) On the other hand, a new one is likely to be more energy efficient and will save money on the electric bills.
Don't know when delivery and installation will take place, but have to be around to let the workmen in. With any luck they'll arrive early and be out of here by noon, so I can get out, take some photos, and enjoy the spring-like weather. We shall see.
Found 2 more boxes stashed under the bed. Opening them revealed winter socks in all thickness and lengths. Funny, I hadn't even missed them. A nice surprise and it means my walks to work this winter will be more comfortable than the last.
And so it goes.
Hooray for the new found winter socks!