Sunday, July 13, 2008

Natale (Nat) Romano, RIP

The husband of the woman at the heart of the upcoming NOLA reunion has passed away after a long battle with emphysema due to his heavy smoking for many years.

While I am saddened by his passing, the truth is that his wife (our mentor and teacher) will be surrounded by all of us coming together to celebrate what she made possible fifty years ago.

Prayers ascend for her and the entire family.

Hazel Loyacano Romano was the guiding force of our dance company and a compassionate taskmaster when it came to professionalism at home and on the road.

We may have been only teenagers, but much was expected of us and it changed our lives, for the better, I must say.

We learned that personal responsibility comes first and foremost; learned proper etiquette when in the presence of politicians and other people in power; how to avoid getting cornered into making statements to the press.

We were always seen around New Orleans at the best dancing night spots; the Blue Room at the Roosevelt Hotel, or on the side wheeler, President dining and dancing the night away as we cruised the Mississippi. We thought nothing of it then, but looking back, it's like, O. M. G! Did we really do all of that? We were way too young to drink, but that didn't matter. We were together, out on the town, and dancing for hours.

That's what we were all about and Hazel was the catalyst.

I love you, Miss Hazel, and am forever in your debt.

Rest in Peace, Mr. Nat. I love you very much.

And so it goes.

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