Saturday, July 31, 2010

Young at Heart & Young at Any Cost

Slept well last night with the windows open as the cool night breeze rustling the bamboo sent beautiful dreams my way. I woke refreshed, cool and ready for anything the day would have in store.

Today has been another gem weather-wise and that created a relaxed environment at work. Cool breezes off the ocean  soothed luncheon diners coming off the beach and the specially priced Pitchers of Margaritas and Sangria helped enhance the mood.

Contrary to popular sentiment, we were very busy today. Plenty of families, extended families, and kids were in the mix as were many gay men and lesbians (some with their kids) in town for the weekend. All the kids - of various ages - were well behaved and quiet.  Works for me.  Even someone from my previous life walked in and was happy to see me doing well and spent some time catching up after my shift.  We hope to get together when the season ends and the kids are back in school. We'll see how that turns out.

I was confronted by the boss with a potential dilemma today.  In essence, how do you tell someone that their work attire is inappropriate for their age?  No, not my attire.  Puleeze! I cringe when I see men my age wearing Hollister tee shirts and their underwear showing above their drooping pants. What is so wrong with aging?  Gracefully? I am grateful to have lived to this age. Most of my friends did not.

In any event, this is about a woman close to my age, who doesn't want to be "that age" and shows up for work in short shorts, halter tops or frilly-lace see-through mini dresses that if they were any shorter, she'd have 2 more cheeks to powder and more hair to comb.  If you get my drift. Every time I bear witness to her thighs I think it's a reminder to put cottage cheese on my shopping list. My Bad?

Of course I am not the boss, so as a co-worker (and a gay man)  I could say, "whoa, you looked in the mirror and STILL chose to wear THAT?" Honesty of this sort could land the boss in court.

Any serious thoughts and ideas are welcome.

My shift ran late this evening so I am about to enjoy a festive cocktail as dinner broils and the salad is prepped.

And so it goes.


  1. You are funny! "Two more cheeks to powder and more hair to comb." It will be weeks until I get THAT image out of my mind (as a gay man.)

    Again, another beautifully written posting. You are a special treat. It is a shame, A SHAME that you are not paid for your talents.

    Sweet dreams.

  2. Has there been any kind of dress code in place? Perhaps a general dress code (for all) outlining what is appropriate is in order. Think it through carefully first though.
    There was such a code at my last place of employ that worked fairly well.


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