Monday, June 20, 2011

Just Because it's June. June. June!

And the kids are out of school in all surrounding states now.  This made for a heavy family oriented crowd here and at the restaurant all weekend. Surprisingly, most were well behaved and enjoyed the sun, sand, and just letting loose.

(Sorry, but I like show tunes.  Get over it.)

The threat of rain showers didn't get anyone down and the fact that the wetness held off until this morning made everyone (with the exception of home-owners with brown lawns) very happy indeed.  The storms began at dawn and it rained steadily until they passed through later this afternoon.  This made for a busy lunch of large parties who didn't want to face the Outlet Malls, or the Movie Theaters.

We remained busy through the rest of the shift because people felt their day on the beach was shot; a total washout. Nobody likes to lie on wet sand, anyway.  Customers from previous years arrived, remembered me and were happy to see me again. That always makes my day, because I love seeing them return, even if the kids are growing up too fast making me feel very old, indeed.

As my shift ended sun rays were breaking through clouds (click the image above to embiggen) and the air was dry and cooler - only about 74' F as I walked home. The neighbors were outdoors enjoying the cool air, cocktails, and their children and/or grandchildren.  A nice treat for everyone.

Have the day off tomorrow and since there is little on my gay agenda, may take a drive down to Assateague Island National Seashore for a bit of picture taking with someone from work.  We'll see how the weather turns out first.

And so it goes.


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