Sunday, July 10, 2011

Getaway Plans & The Addled Brain

That stale odor you may detect is just my old brain sputtering, kicking into gear to hatch a plan for a much-needed getaway this fall. In the back of my mind is the germ of an idea to take off a week or so and visit with my sister in NOLA. We haven't seen one another 28 years (it's a long and sordid story, not for the children) and we seem to have come to a peaceful, of not overwhelmingly joyous place. Bottom line: I'm old - she's older, so lets finish the old business and get on with life as friends.

Then came the medical/blood work mishugass, followed by the dental emergency culminating in "open mouth surgery" hit in a 1 - 2 punch and anything I thought I could squirrel away to cover such a trip disappeared within hours.

However, looking at the numbers...the blood work charges will be added to the remaining balance due the hospital and thereby extending monthly payments an additional 10 months; the payments for the dental work will also be spread over the next 12 months - interest free, as long as the total is paid within that time. If I die beforehand, all bets are off.  Not my problem.

Calculating the extra hours of work during the season and the fact that I will begin receiving Social Security benefits around my birthday this month has led me to re-consider such a trip.  It very complicated since I have no idea how much of the SS monies will have to be repaid because I will make more than the allowed amount (over $14,200.!) in salary from the restaurant.  Please don't ask.  This is my first and only (thank you Jeebus!) time around.

Aside from the airfare, I'll require a rental car, a modest hotel near sister's digs, and a few meals at good restaurants for us to enjoy together as we play catch-up.  28 years is a long time.  I could get to see some old childhood friends for a meal or even just a cocktail.  Question is, do I go with a travel agent, an online travel site, American Express, or try doing it all myself?

The Ex used to handle all travel details and I have not done these things in many years. I am not confident that my addled brain would be capable of coordinating all the details and there is still a lot of calculation to deal with.

I would prefer to drive down and back. I haven't seen certain areas of the state in many years, but I am kind of afraid to make the long trip alone. 

Still, it's something to think about and look forward to actually see come to pass. Season's end is over 2 months away.  Stay tuned.

And so it goes.


  1. If I won the lotto big time last night, you are on the list.

    Will J

  2. NOLA is very good for the food; worth the price alone.

  3. At least you have something to look forward too.


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