Friday, December 21, 2012

World's New Beginning & Small Change

Ah, good old media hype.

So, it wasn't really to be the "end of the world" but a tying up of loose ends important to the Mayans.  Well, excuse me. Maybe so, but it was a running gag throughout the day at work and elsewhere.

I must say that when the storms hit the area overnight, my doubts turned into half-belief.  Well, I was awakened from a deep sleep by the thunder rumbling, lightening flashes,  high winds and the rain beating on the skylights. The storms lasted for over 2 hours offering little peace and no sleep. The glassware in the cabinets shook and clinked because of the building's movement the entire time. Now you understand what I was dealing with? 

I stumbled into the shower at 5:30, then went back to bed for another half hour before making a coffee and light breakfast.

By sunrise - 7:15am - there were hints of blue in the dark gray sky and I was hopeful that a beautiful day lay ahead. It did, and it didn't. (Depending on the time of day.) Work was almost a breeze and the many folks indulging in the big party were an easy-going lot. 

By mid-afternoon the sky had turned omniously dark, the temperatures dropped 20' and it felt like snow was on the way.  A light rain began to fall as I made my way home. There is a definite chill in the air.

While there is no snow predicted in our area, this weather system may dump loads of the white stuff north and west of us and give the ski communites a good layer of powder for the holidays.  I wish them well. I can do without snow here.

And so it goes.

1 comment:

  1. Ah snow storms. Remember that one a few years ago? How could you forget? :)


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