Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Facebook and Me

I have become a FaceBookee. There, I've said it. I suppose that's what we're called.

I put it off for a long time. A friend joined up a while back and suggested I do too. I attempted to check out what exactly it was only to discover that their secrets were only divulged to members, so I dropped the idea. Turns out he signed up then dropped the idea, as well. For awhile.

The FB bug invaded his bonnet once again last weekend and, again, he hit me up to join him. So, I did. See how easily I can be manipulated? I immediately had one friend. Duh!

There are redundancies in the interface and I can't figure out 'why' yet, and it's not that intuitive unless you're say, oh, seventeen years old. It will take some time for my tired ol' brain to sort it all out.

No one can contact you unless you invite them as a friend, so there's no opportunity for spam - unless of course, one of your friends decides to try selling you Avon, AmWay or a time share. Within hours four people from my previous life sent messages via FB asking if they could add me to their lists. I have given permission to two so far. I was a bit surprised. Haven't been in touch with any of them socially since the breakup over 2 years ago.

I found my old friend from NOLA on FB so I wrote asking that he join me, as well. He responded almost immediately. A relatively recent acquaintance sent the same request. This could get interesting - or become overwhelming - so we'll see.

As my friend wrote when I signed on, "this could be the start of something big." h/t to Steve Allen. I am not as excited about this as he seems to be, and I feel like I ought to be.

Stay tuned.

More later.


  1. oh oh
    you've fallen down the rabbit hole....

  2. I use FaceBorg very much as a way of keeping in touch with people I probably wouldn't otherwise manage to keep in touch with because we don't have enough in common. I'm careful to keep it fairly professional, and don't have information there about, say, my relationship status. But as a tool for touching base once in a while? It does the job, reasonably well. I check it about twice a week.

    It's also somewhat useful as a tool for events organisation after a critical mass of people one knows have signed up.

    I don't "friend" anyone I haven't met in person, with one or two exceptions.

  3. SimH,

    Thanks for the advice. so far, it seems that it's a race to see how many friends one can accumulate to win, because few of the people who invited me to join their 'list' have posted anything.
    Like I said, most of them are from my previous life and virtually silent since the breakup in 2006.

  4. I love FB, I've found some friends and relatives I hadn't heard from in ages, it's a gas!


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