The deep freeze finally loosed its grip so I headed out early this morning to run a few errands. Checking the PO Box I found a notice of a package being held for me – the rest was junk - and no bills. When I presented the notice to the person tending the window, he smiled and when he returned and I signed for the package, he said, “treat yourself well this weekend and enjoy the weather.”
I had already planned a walk on the beach, but I was curious as to what this package contained. I didn’t order anything and no one gave me a heads-up that something was on the way.
I drove to North Shores and after parking opened the package. There was no note, no return address, was post marked NOLA, but no other clues. the package contained Mardi Gras beads and a bottle of Absinthe. I just sat there behind the wheel stunned with my jaw resting on my lap. Who did this? And, why? I still have most of the surprise bottle that arrived last summer, so I hardly needed another.
I put the package under my seat and took my walk on the beach wondering who would have sent such a gift, and came up with no one. Feeling elated and loved once again, but unable to make a connection to someone I know, I drove back to the apartment.
This afternoon I set about checking the budget and how I was sticking with the plan. Well…Sorting out expenses for January, you know, food, fuel, meds, etc., (rent and utilities come off the top) I realized that I over shot the budget by a whopping 20%! Not good, especially with shorter hours and fewer working days of February upon me.
So, I embarked upon a mission to determine what happened and soon discovered that the regular items in the budget had not increased, but a few items otherwise purchased quarterly or more had run out and had to be replaced. Ingredients only used in certain dishes at certain times of the year, or items purchased periodically, turn out to be the villains of the piece. Like coffee, green tea, balsamic vinegar, olives, sea salt, herbs, and windshield washer fluid for the car – all of which have doubled in price from last year – while my income hasn’t.
I’ll have to be more careful about flagging these items and eliminating a regular item until the following month. I thought I had a pretty good handle on expenditures over the past few months, but hadn’t noticed price increases on products purchased only occasionally.
Still, baking my own bread and cooking in large batches means a nice bit of savings too.Watch those pennies, folks, and never shop without a list - - and stick to that list.
Just my two-cents, plain…
Now, if I find another job all would be, not well, but better than it is.
I smell olives.
And so it goes.
Good post, good picture.