CNN and Fox Noise are all over the really important issues facing the American people. Of course, you know what these stories are, don’t you?
Why it’s all about “tea bagging” or President Obama’s bow to the Saudi King while in London.
Yes folks, the likes of Wolf Blitzer (who should be taken behind the barn and bitch-slapped) and practically all the morons at Fox are obsessed with this bow thingy. Continuous coverage of that incident (playing the bit of tape over and over and over and over…and how Obama has demeaned this country. They're saying this with a straight face after 8 years of GWB?
Really? Let’s see…hm, what happened when, following the 9/11 attacks, George Bush (G*d, I hate typing that name) flew the entire bin Laden family out of the country while the American public remained grounded. Nothing! Absolutely NOTHING!!! No coverage of that little incident until the details appeared in Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11 did the so-called liberal mainstream media reluctantly begin investigating. Something that ought to have been exposed immediately after the attacks; not two years later.
No one was even curious that a single government approved jet was making stops in various states, much like an international Greyhound bus service picking up the clan, then spiriting them out of harm’s way. No one reported on the coordinated effort to execute the plan quietly and quickly.
And let’s not forget that GW kissed and held hands with prince Bandar Bush whenever he visited. No outrage there, either. WTF?
Now, the conservatives with their tea parties are going to tea bag the White House and many members of Congress. Well, it's clear that Larry (wide stance) Craig and David (diapers) Vitter are already drooling. However, one has to ask the hard question here: Does the ultra wingnut crowd even know what “tea bagging” is? After all, how can the White House be tea bagged when it ain’t got no testicles. I’m just askin’ is all.
Oh, and if you don't know the difference between tea-bagging a man and a woman, just leave a comment and I will explain - with graphics.
The stoopid, it burns!
More later? Maybe.
I never use tea bags, only loose leaf - is that what you mean?