Saturday, November 14, 2009

Prejean, Obama, Dobbs, and Palin

From CNN (Cajun Nutworld News)

To lighten things up a bit as the tides rise once again. What a week of mostly stoopid self-promotion and sad news.

Carrie Prejean (fake tits and phony christianist) actually made 8 "biggest mistake" solo sex tapes. After her non-storm-off, OK removing the mic and earpiece then remaining seated in front of the camera like a vase of tainted flowers, of the Larry King show, apparently coached by her trainers, I mean handlers, the "inappropriate" behavior seems to have been all hers. Well, the folks at Vivid-Celeb Entertainment (porn) are drooling to sign her up and make her a star.

President Obama had the nerve to show his face at the ceremonies for the dead and wounded at Fort Hood. He even gave a speech. Dubya wouldn't go to such extremes. No sir, he would have done a fly-over to express his concern. That Obama ain't no real American! As a Republican friend has said, bless his demented heart, "That man is too smart to be a President, so he'll become a dictator." Like I said, bless his demented conspiracy theory heart.

Lou Dobbs (appropriately dressed in sack cloth and ashes) finally suffered enough harassment from illegal (and legal) immigrants, and left that other CNN. Now stop those cheers. He'll probably start his new show at FOX in 3.. 2.. 1.. What else is an elderly bigot to do? Move to Mexico? Well, life is cheaper there - in every sense of the word.

Sarah (moose tracks) Palin's new book comes out soon. She's taking it on the road to towns with 4 or 5 traffic lights; keeping it low key, dontcha know, so as not to be badgered about the many discrepancies already uncovered by world news organizations and other media. YouTube and the blogs - especially The Mudflats - will have a field day. Pass the popcorn.

That's all I got here. I'm tired of bad news, bad weather, and being wet. Besides...It's Happy Hour!

And so it goes.


  1. In a warped way I am enjoying all the crap that the Right wing is trying to pin on Obama because it is exactly they way the Chimp in Chief *did* act - from dictatorship (can we all say "suspend Habeas Corpus") to fiscal disaster (how do you think we got here). I think in psychology it is called projection.

    As for wazerface the porn queen and wazerface the pol - why is anyone giving them the time of day?

  2. I'm enjoying watching the wingnuts dig their hole deeper and deeper. I say keep the Sarahs and Carries on TV. The poor deluded fools provide constant entertainment.


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