Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Coughs, Clean Clothes, and Southern Comfort (food)

Three days before Christmas and I continue to hack until my eyes run water. The throat doesn't hurt, but every so often there's a stabbing tickle setting off a series of coughs that rattles the old body.

Interestingly enough, I feel better during daylight hours, especially when the sun is out as it is today, but as soon as night falls all that changes. The head begins to feel like it's stuffed with gelatin and the sinus pressure increases. I have no idea why, but there it is.

I dragged myself out this morning before dawn to do laundry. It had to be done; it's been three weeks, I work the next two days, and the place is closed on Christmas. It's very cold (20*F.) and the snow/ice is still everywhere, so I avoided back roads as much as possible. The place was clean as usual and I enjoyed another chat with the kinda hunky owner who arrives every morning to clean the machines, vacuum, and mop the place. He had the back-up heater cranked up making the place toasty and welcoming. No one arrived to disturb my concentration and serenity, so everything was washed, dried, folded (or on hangers) and back in the car in about 90 minutes.

Already out and about, I thought it best to get the other errands out of the way rather than wait until next week. So...fueled up the car, delivered a check to the auto insurance company to cover the next 6 months, ran items to the recycle center, checked the post office, picked up a few things at the grocery store, and stopped by the thrift shop to drop off a few boxes of household items I'll never use again. And there are more where these came from.

With the extra energy I decided to cook some southern, comfort food. (No Southern Comfort was involved!) I've just finished making a chicken and Andouille sausage etouffee with onions, green peppers, garlic, and white wine. As usual, with most NOLA cooking - "first you make the roux" - and I was pleased that I haven't lost my touch. This one had to be a golden colour and lighter flavour to set off the chicken and colourful vegetables, rather than the dark, heavier nutty ones used in crawfish etouffee. It will be served on a bed of parsleyed rice and a salad topped with artichoke hearts.

I am going to prepare containers of the dishes for my landlady this evening. Last week she arrived at my door with a huge plate of Hanukkah brisket, vegetables, borscht, and amazingly delicious sweet pastries. It's the least I can do to return the favour.

It's cocktail time and though I would love a bit of cognac, (not in the budget) I'll settle for a Sazerac as I enjoy my festive Etouffee. My grandmother would be proud.

And so it goes.


  1. You're speaking my language with the etouffee. I'm heading home to Louisiana for the holiday tomorrow. Looking forward to goin' by my mama's.

    Hope you feel better.

  2. Thanks for the visit and have a safe and happy time with family and friends.

  3. I hope you feel better. I think that there is actually an explanation for that "feeling worse at night" that has to do with the change of air pressure/density, etc. So it is not just in your head. (No pun intended.)

    I have not had good borscht in ages!

  4. I hope you're cold turns the corner soon. Not much that drains one more than a pesky cold that just won't go away.

    Be careful when you're out and about. It is so easy to fall on this ice.

    I feel like my body is trying to ward off a cold. I get waves of nausea every now and then. I'm not sure if that is because of my disappointment with Obama and our elected officials in Congress complete sellout to the insurance and pharma industry or H1N1 trying to make an entry into my body.

    As Custer said at his last stand "We f_cked!"

    Be well.


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