Monday, December 24, 2012

All Smiles

Dressed for the occasion, of course.  Christmas Eve with my friend and co-worker (a Turkmenistan Muslim) Bahram. (taken with Bahram's iPhone.)

Busier than any of us thought, but it was all good.  Everyone was in a festive mood, even with the steady rain all afternoon. The restaurant closed at 4 and we all shared cocktails before heading off in all directions. The locosguys are dishing up the Christmas dinner for family, Bahram and his lady have reservations somewhere, and I will be preparing a roast for me, myself, and I.

Happy Holidays to all.



  1. what a wonderful picture of you! can't wait to meet you in march 2013!

    happy holidays! :)

  2. @Cubby: Merry-Ho-Ho to you, too.

    @Anne Marie: You made this old man blush.


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