Sunday, April 18, 2010

A Leap of Faith - Another New Beginning

Before work yesterday morning I took a look at an apartment in town - 3 blocks from work and 4 to the beach - and I fell in love. No, that's not correct. I fell in lust with the place and the full (real, live) kitchen is boasts. A real stove, lots of cabinets (I currently have 3) to actually store things, (you know, get them out of boxes) and big enough for a table and chairs. I would only have to use the car for running errands and grocery shopping. No more fighting the summer tourists on the highway or in town. ( I no nothing about the image. Found it on the Net and loved it. Click to embiggen.)

It would cost more than I am paying now, but it IS in town after all, and when I calculate the savings of fueling the car and the monthly rent on the storage unit - it is a no-brainer.  The cabinets are new, as is the pecan hardwood flooring throughout. And I was also elated to learn that there is a laundry room on premises - so no more driving 20 miles round-trip to do that deed, either. Another saving in time, money, and fuel.

The same co-worker who put me up during the February blizzards hooked me up with these remarkable people. Kind, generous, and so Rehoboth Beach. Before we parted and I headed to work we stood chatting on the sidewalk in front of the building when the gentleman pointed to an old bungalow across the street and said, "That's the house I was born in."  That sent shivers down my spine - he's in his 80s. A gentle soul and I feel blessed to have made his acquaintance, let alone become his tenant.

As I wrote earlier I sold the living room furniture, which is fine, still have the bedroom set and all my kitchen stuff in storage. This will be a good home for the stuff and me. I can hunt for living room pieces that will fit the room and have no back story as reminders of my previous life. I can take my time and choose exactly what I want.

The co-worker who connected me with these folks was off yesterday so there was no one to share my joy.

I have it bad! I even had a dream about the place last night.  Now is that bad, or what?

When she got to work today she was all over me asking about the apartment, my reaction to it, the landlords, (who she refers to as her 'other' grandparents - they've been family friends for years) and their reaction to me. It was positive on all counts, I think.

With all the tax money owed and the real estate critters lurking about, I am happy to have the job that I do, work with the people I do, and have people in my life who are there and pulling for me to do well and live well. That means more than most people can imagine.

I will take the leap of faith that I can do this and call the landlord tomorrow to let him know that I will take either the one bedroom, or the two bedroom, apartment by mid-May. At this point I am usually scared to death when unsure of the financials, but not this time.

How many new beginnings can one experience at my age, I wonder. Stay tuned, I will find out and pass along my findings. I smell olives!

And so it goes.


  1. Hey! I'm not the one moving and getting a new start and I'm excited! Excited for you. See,I told you things would take a turn for the better. Change is good. Go with the flow my friend. I am so happy for you! BIG WHOOP!

  2. By the way, your landlord is getting a good, dependable, clean and honest tenant. Don't think he doesn't know it an appreciate it. You're going to miss the summertime traffic. Uh huh. Sure. No more the stoopids.

  3. sounds fabulous - i had 6 olives today in your honor.

  4. It sounds like a marvelous place with wonderful landlords. Good luck!
    I was just mentioning about you yesterday to some of the locals (Family) who usually go down to RB for the day in the summer.

  5. This is great news!! I can hear the excitment in your mind as I read the words you posted. There's nothing like a new start in the Spring. I've always felt it was a time for new beginnings. Enjoy & I look forward to further postings as you get settled.


  6. Cajun, I'm glad this came on your way. I hope all will turn out well.

    When you move to this place, ask some of the staff at the restaurant to give you a hand moving. A sore back keeps you out of the running too long.


  7. Glad for your new home; sounds perfect and you'll save wear and tear on your car too!

    Finally - some great news for you!

  8. This is not a done deal. I may be jumping the gun on this, since I may not be able to afford the higher rent, plus utilities, plus the in-town parking permit.

    I have seen two other places that can't hold a candle to the convenience of this apartment.

    Thanks to you all for your good thoughts and positive energy.


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