Saturday, March 1, 2008

A Bit of Torchwood

Well hell, it's Saturday and another new episode is on BBCA tonight so I thought I'd share one throw away line from MEAT, an episode from the first season. I won't even attempt an explanation or situation, but here goes.

Have you ever eaten alien meat?
How was it?
They seemed to like it.


So here's a little video from a recent episode. Jack and Ianto:

More later.


  1. Meat was such an astounding show. The huge alien was in such pain and the cast was so compassionate. I openly wept through the last half of the show. I missed that couplet, but I have the DVDs and I can't wait to find it again.


  2. Sorry, friend. MEAT is part of the current season, so you may have to wait until next year. Unless, of course, BBCA reruns all episodes.


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