Thursday, March 6, 2008

Monday, Monday, Can't Trust That Day...

It was a beautiful Monday. Clear skies, light winds and a bright sun raising the temperature even as I drove to work. Monday is usually the day I run errands for the store. This Monday it was two simple errands; banking and a trip to Staple’s for two reams of printer paper.

A piece of cake, right?

Hold on there, partner.

While purchasing the paper at Staple’s, a matter of picking up the reams and checking out, (which took no more than 10 – 15 minutes tops) you can imagine my surprise when I returned to my car to find that someone had slammed into the front left side practically destroying the bumper (why are they still referred to by that name, anyway?) damaging the headlight assembly, and scraping across the fender.

No note, no phone number, no evidence of damage from the other vehicle. I couldn’t believe it. A hit and run. What have we become?

Stunned and angry I drove to the insurer’s office to file a claim. They were sympathetic and handled everything quickly and efficiently. I was told that an adjuster would call in about an hour.

He did.

Richard was soft spoken, compassionate and informative. He offered phone numbers of a few body shops in the area, as well as the local phone number of Enterprise Rent A Car.

Wednesday was a day off so I spent the morning doing laundry and visiting the body shops all afternoon (nice way to spend a free day!) before finally settling on the one that a few friends had experience with, and who were the friendliest, most informative and while not the least expensive, were in the middle range. The work will be done in about three days and the appointment is set for next week.

Now I may be old fashioned, but when I mentioned that there was no note, or anything for that matter, I was told time and time again that most people shirk their responsibility and just disappear as quickly as possible. Times have changed, I know, but…


And so it goes.


1 comment:

  1. What a bummer. Jesus, along with everything else, you can't seem to catch a break.
    by the way, today is OT's one year bloaversary. Congratulations.

    Did you forget?

    Good luck with the car repair and stay away from Staples. LOL


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