Sunday, August 24, 2008

Dread Of The Living Night

Unseasonably cool evening and overnight temperatures and low humidity charmed me into opening the windows and turning off the AC for the past few days.

Last night all that changed as the temps left the comfort zone, the humidity began to rise until I woke in a pool of sweat. Groggy and in the state of half sleep, initially I thought I was ill, but as I slowly became aware of the circumstances realized that the entire apartment had become hot and humid. No leaves rustled outside and not a lick of wind circulated through the apartment. Being tired and sore made me all the more irritated.

I hate getting up once bedded down, so I threw off the covers and tried to get back to the pleasant dream I was enjoying, but it was no good.

Tossed and turned until it was unbearable; got up, took a shower, shaved and made an iced decaf coffee. It was then I looked at the thermostat to discover the apartment temperature was 78’, the starless sky told me that clouds were hiding them, and the humidity was at 80%. Rain was in our future.

So, I closed the windows, cranked up the AC to dry the place (and me) out and grabbed a short nap on the sofa before getting ready for work.

The rain (when it came) was like a premature ejaculation; all noise and over too soon. By afternoon the humidity vanished and the winds picked up again so when I returned to the apartment the windows were opened and ready to accept the cool breezes; the bird songs emanating from the trees and marshes close by.

Tonight’s forecast calls for a low in the upper 50s’. Um, this is August, folks! Seems to me that autumn is coming way too soon and winter may be upon us before Halloween.


I pray for a good night’s sleep tonight. I need it.

And so it goes.



  1. Great analogy about the rain.

  2. Rain = premature ejaculation?

    Now tell me how to get green tea out of my keyboard.


  3. Just catching up on your entries; as always I enjoy your entries.

    We're on vacation, so I'm not getting as much time at the computer (which is really a good thing I think).

    ...and so I'm going..../ds


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