Sunday, May 31, 2009

Another Terrorist Attack on America

This is where the real threats will come from in the future.
WICHITA, Kansas - President Obama said this afternoon that he was "shocked and outraged" by the killing of abortion doctor George Tiller, who was shot while attending church in east Wichita.

Wichita Deputy Police Chief Tom Stolz said at a news conference late this afternoon that a suspect in the shooting was in custody and on his way back to Wichita.

"However profound our differences as Americans over difficult issues such as abortion, they cannot be resolved by heinous acts of violence," the president said in a statement issued by the White House.

The suspect, a 51-year-old male, was arrested without incident on I-35 in Johnson County about three hours after the shooting, Stolz said.

Police did not release the suspect's name.

The investigation is in its "infancy stages," Stolz said. He said the shooting appeared to be an isolated act.
Yeah, right. This makes me sick. Hey, at least they caught the bastard!

Read the rest HERE.

And so it goes.



  1. I find it particularly hypocritical to oppose the "murdering" of unborn by murdering the born.

  2. There is no difference between a Christian fundamentalist terrorist and a Muslim fundamentalist terrorist. They both murder innocents and think that God is on their side.


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