Subtitle: Crock-Pot Quean Ready to Abdicate.
Another beautiful day at the beach, possibly made more beautiful because I returned to the new apartment to get a second look and scope out things like electric outlets per room, bathroom items needed, location of phone jacks, etc. None of this registered on the first visit - I was
lusting too overwhelmed at the idea of a full kitchen. That may sound bizarre, but after holding the crown of Crock-Pot Quean for three years, I am ready to pass it on to some other worthy debutramp and move on.
Let me back up and give a little back story. When bouncing off walls subsided and realizing I had not focused on important things about living in an old (though renovated) apartment, called the landlord to request the key for a day to fill in the gaps. I also said I wanted to give him a deposit check to hold either the 1 or 2 bedroom apartment. (I have since decided that the 1 BR fits me needs, perfectly - it even boasts a huge walk-in closet) His response was that I could pick up the key at his office and, no, there was no need for a check - our handshake was enough.
I was floored by this. I haven't heard anyone saying that since I was a kid. That's how my grandfather did business. Trust was a big deal back then. He took someone at their word and more often than not, wasn't disappointed.
I can't believe this is happening to me, but an old friend said today, "after the crap you've dealt with for the past 4 years, you deserve something good to come your way." While I agree, I never dreamt anything like this would ever come my way.
When I arrived at work this morning the boss asked, "are you packed yet?", laughed, then quickly added, "ask the crew taking in any deliveries to save the boxes for you, they're sturdy and won't fall apart. Perfect for bottles, food stuff, and canned goods." I think he's enjoying helping me and my good fortune as much as I.
So, unless I die, the place burns down, life on earth as we know it disappears, or a nuclear attack, within 6 weeks I will realize my dream of living in the city of Rehoboth Beach. Oh, and 2 servers (whom I adore) today offered to help move my things from the current space to the new one. I am flattered and surprised beyond belief. Of course I accepted.
(So, Peter, thank you, but I didn't have to ask. Something difficult for me, anyway.)
Today was to be a day off, but I covered for another coworker which leaves me 1 day to run plenty of errands and gather more info on what I need to live in town. Parking permits tops the list. Cleaning supplies and other necessities for after the move are a close second. Hopefully this will all be over before the
locusts tourists descend for Memorial Day weekend.
It's time for an olive or 2; while sipping I'll surf for living room furniture and a small bistro table and chairs for the kitchen.
And so it goes.