Sunday, July 25, 2010

Picture a Brown and Dying Gardenia*

The oppressive heat continued today for the um-teenth day in a row. Heading off to work yesterday morning the outside temp was already 82' (at 9:15am) and this morning it was 88' same time. The air was thick making it hard to get a full breath and I was grateful to get into the AC at the restaurant quickly.

While we didn't reach the expected 115' this afternoon, it was awfully hot, none the less.

Making my way home, the sky was darkening and the wind speed picked up; the front from the mid-west is finally making its way to the coast. One could feel the cooler air in those winds.  I made it home about 10 minutes before the storm made its entrance. Thankfully, it has been raining for almost a half hour and (we hope) there is much more to come. The other hope is that this front lowers the temperatures by even just 10' by tomorrow.

Nothing new or earth-shattering to report; it's summer at a beach town which, pretty much speaks for itself. I'll have a few thoughts and/or insights to share, but right now the brain is roasted.

A stir-fry is on the menu tonight, don't want to heat the kitchen more than necessary.

As i write, this storm has passed.  Yes, that quickly.  I hope there are more to come.

*I love the aroma of gardenias, always have and always will. There were 3  bushes in my family garden and I used to sit in among them and just inhale their lovely scent.

More later.


  1. We keep hoping for rain, it never seems to come. We need it. On the other hand, I have been in Michigan for a week where there was lots of rain: I loved it.

  2. Is that a generic picture of Rehoboth Beach today or did you take it? Wow. Beach time. And I remember a time when I used to long to lay on the beach. How can anyone do it in this heat?
    I had a nice visit today from a former classmate and bandmember. Two types of salad on the luncheon menu including one I made up. It was delicious!
    I napped right through the welcomed afternoon thunderstorm.
    What's happening with our weather anyway? First the brutal winter now the brutal summer. This is wearing my old bones out.
    Stay cool.

  3. We've had an occasional downpour but it only last for a few minutes. Quite a contrast to our rainy spring. Oh well...tis summer.


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