So many of us here in the US have horror stories about our junior high and high school years. For many of us it was not a time of joy and happiness, but a time of terror and all too often, despair. I've been reading posts related to just this subject and the pain is evident; in many cases severe. It never goes away. Many of us have never attended a reunion, and why would we want to? The tones of many posts I've read are resolute, defying, determined, and filled with pain from the experience.
Thing is, we're still around, and while our torturers have probably forgotten their taunts, abuse, and hateful sneers, we cannot. Those things will stay in our memories forever. Oh, of course we put them out of our minds for the most part, but when these suicide stories are brought to light the ugly memories come flooding back and we relive that hurt and pain all over again. At times I, myself, have wondered how and why I survived.
I was wondering what I could do to help end this nightmare but nothing came to mind other than one to one contact with a kid in the community suffering through such abuse while struggling with their own self worth and then...An invitation to join this organization arrived in an email today. It included this video made by Cyndi Lauper. I viewed the video and joined up. Maybe you will be moved to do so, as well.
And so it goes.
I've said it before; I hope these videos get to the right people and they make a difference.