Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The 4 Things Meme

Maybe I'm too old for these things.  I found it difficult to provide answers to some of the questions. Anyway, borrowed from Ur-Spo  So, here it is:

4 Things I need to spend more time on in my life:
1. Living
2. Physical activity
3. Long hot baths
4. Being a better listener

4 Things I need to spend less time on in my life:
1. Finances
2. Worrying about understanding SS and Medicare
3. Listening to stories from my previous life
4. Correcting inaccuracies in those stories.

4 Things I wish I could spend more time on in my life:
1. Photography
2. Seeing old and new friends spread far and wide
3. Traveling
4. Myself

4 Things I love about myself:
1. My love of musical theatre
2. My gut instincts
3. My warped sense of humor
4. My love of music

4 Things I hate about myself:
1. Nothing
2. I don't hate
3. Other people seem to do that for me
4.  It's a waste of time

4 Things I love that I used to hate:
1. Anchovies
2. Jicama
3. Living alone
4.  Having my picture taken

4 Things I hate that I used to love:
1. Fresh corn on the cob
2. Television
3. Airports
4. Desserts after supper.

4 Things towards which I look forward:
1. A vacation/holiday
2. Visiting my older sister before she dies.
3. A cruise/tour to Alaska
4. Working to live, not living to work

4 Things I dread:
1. Assisted living
2. Being incapacitated, unable to communicate
3. Not having a love in my life
4. Medicare and Social Security

4 Things I once believed in but no longer do:
1. Heaven
2. Hell
3. Bad things happen to good people
4. G*d gives you only what *he* knows you can handle

4 Things I now believe that I didn’t use to believe:
1. Myself
2. Karma
3. Intuition
4. Treating mean people with kindness pisses them off

4 Things I love to do despite being bad at it :
1. Sing
2. Write
3. Grow things
4. Sleep late.

4 Things I hate to do but I do anyway:
1. Scrub floors
2. Do-it-yourself stuff.
3. Edit myself in confrontations
4. Shop for clothes.

4 Things I did of which I am ashamed:
1. Believing that my Ex and I would be together til death, etc.
2. Believing my Ex wouldn't screw me out of everything, including his gifts to me.
3. Not standing up and walking out at the closing of the sale of our house
4. For 30 years believing I was nothing without my Ex

4 Things I did for which I am proud:
1. An AIDS buddy and caregiver.
2. The youngest member of the Mattachine Society in NYC
3. Participated in Stonewall disobedience events
4. Got arrested during a march against the non-war in Viet Nam.

4 Things I didn’t do that I regret:
1. Continue my love of dance and choreography
2. Attend film school in Prague
3. Stand up to the bullies in high school
4. Learn to play a musical instrument

4 Things I want before I die:
1. Peace
2. Being pain-free
3. Visit a few of our National Parks
4.  Experience love one more time.

And so it goes.


  1. NIce list by the way. I can see you put a lot of thought into it. Thanks for sharing.

  2. I hope you very much get that love.


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