Friday, May 13, 2011

Blogger Alive? Or, Only on Life Support?

Blogger finally returned to life after more than 2 days without offering the ability to post, comment., or post comments.

I don't know when this revival occurred, but it had to be after 9 am this morning.  The comments waiting in the queue vanished today, even though I had the moderation emails, they were no longer available. There was a post waiting in the queue, as well, which has disappeared into the ether.

Blog buddie Peter suggests that I pick up stakes and move this carnival of craziness over to WordPress, and that option is looking tempting this evening.  It sounds all to easy to me. I will chew on that bone for a while and get back to you.

Oh, Jeez!  get your minds out of the gutter!

More later...hopefully.


  1. How did you know that my mind was there? m.

  2. I'm thinking Word Press too. Blogger seems to have a lot of maintenance issues. I lost a lot of comments and responses also. Frustrating.

  3. While I was away, apparently Blogger had a dissociative episode and everyone sounds quite cross about it.
    I am glad to see it is all up and running again.


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If they are simply a tirade or opinionated bullshit, they will be removed, so don't waste your time, or mine.

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