Monday, May 16, 2011

From a Good Monday to a Magical Tuesday

A good day at work as I spent a third day training the new host/server and had fun with customers in-between proof-reading the new menu for the other restaurant which is due out next week. Not a busy day, just busy enough to keep the servers busy and the trainee occupied and asking questions.

Arrived home to find 3 blank messages on the voice-mail and have no idea what that means.

After living in yet another box since last spring, I finally installed the webcam awhile back (I may have written about it) and downloaded Skype as well.  Too bad there is no one to call and test it.  I am such a dweeb when it comes to this sort of thing, it's very sad. I haven't even been able to search for contacts; I can't figure it out.

The webcam works well, but, oh never mind.

While supper was cooking I decided to purge my "friends" list on Facebook. Those who never post, or reply to posts, have connections to my previous life, and those who make a hobby of collecting "friends" only to see how many they can add to their trophy list, were the ones unfriended.  One person had 13, 000 "friends" so I will hardly be missed.

I feel better now.

Tomorrow is a day off and I have magic to do.  It ought to be interesting and fun.

And so it goes.


  1. Yeah, 13,000 friends is a bit too much. I have about 180 and I really should get rid of most of them. But my problem is that they are mostly classmates and I sort of organize the Reunions. See my problem?

    Take care. m.

  2. 3 blank messages? no caller - id?

  3. @Mark: I have other friends in your situation, and at least you know who they are. Other than celebrities who friend their fans, I don't know anymore who knows that many people.

    @anon: No caller-ID, just plain vanilla, local phone service. That's why I have the answering machine.


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