Saturday was much better than Friday. After the hot bath and early bedtime I woke relaxed and refreshed. Another joy was to discover the morning temperature was 65' F so I decided to take a walk on the Boardwalk before heading to work.
The air was crisp and salty, people walking, biking, or just lounging on a bench enjoying the ocean and a morning coffee made for a serene atmosphere. The sound of the waves is always intoxicating, but enhanced by my jubilant mood.
Yes, I had to be at the restaurant an hour earlier, but that was no chore this day. The prep crew all arrived on time - and in good spirits - for a change. The morning went like clockwork and lunch was busy, bright, and cheerful. The change in weather (not to mention the full moon) had an impact on everyone's mood.
When I checked my email last evening there was a note from blogger buddy Peter, containing this bouquet of Sunflowers that really made my day. Thanks Peter.
This morning appears to be a duplicate of yesterday, but I have to be at work by 7:30 am so I'll get just a brief 2-block stroll on the boards before work. That's OK, it's a brand new day and I look forward to a brisk brunch crowd.
More later,
We had a few good days there didn't we? Now we're back to the muggies.