Thursday, October 17, 2013

Transport, Translate, Transfuse.

The results of Tuesday's culinary challenges were quite satisfactory: Artichoke/rice/pasta/veggie salad. Cooked then chilled. Sliced olives and green onions added later. De-lish! Huge mess of braised short ribs with onions, garlic, celery and tomatoes was next. The aroma - O.M.G. I almost died and went to heaven.  I so miss a good mixed green salad, but that can't be helped.

I was pretty tired after all that so an early bedtime, following a hot shower was on my gay agenda. I slept well.

Deb and I hit the road Wednesday morning to drive to the hospital complex in Christiana. She had been there in the past, but wasn't sure of the way since the new highway construction made a confusing jumble of new ramps and changes to lane feeds. We found the campus with little trouble and hunted down the exact building housing the offices and the lab where I was to present myself for a full set of labs which would then be transferred to the Specialists upstairs.  Having noted the lay of the land - there are many restricted parking areas - we got our bearings and set off in search of a quiet lunch spot.

We had 1.5 hours to kill.  We ended up at the "Bugaboo Creek" steakhouse. It was open for lunch and there were few people around, which was a good thing. It appears to be part of a chain, but don't know where the other stores are. Um,
their mascot is the Moose!  I don't know why, but there it is.

Spent the afternoon/evening with the rather rotund Hematologist was brutal, straight-forward, and honest. His overt attempts to shock me didn't work for him, however.  That seemed to relax him somewhat. Copious amounts of blood drawn (I'm surprised I didn't require a transfusion then and there.) Another marrow biopsy needs to be scheduled,  continue taking the current meds, have a CBC done every week or 2, and be transfused as needed for the foreseeable future. 

Five hours later - A folder full of resources and the business cards for the hospital personnel working on my case was handed to me as I left, there's homework to do and 8 weeks to make a few important decisions. Attempts to translate the medical jargon into lay language makes my head hurt. I can't wait to see what more I find online.

Not ready to share more information right now (I would't know how to put it into words at this point;  At least the ball is rolling, who knows where.  Meanwhile I have to figure out how to make an income as I'm unable to work at my regular job.  It's pouring rain here today, so I plan to update the locos guys tomorrow, picking their brains about where to go from here.  Disability? Unemployment Insurance?

It's fascinating that the card for today is The Star. 

And so it goes.


  1. hmmmm. sounds like you have some major life decisions ahead. sending karma/good vibrations in your direction as you decide your choices.

  2. I second Anne Marie's comments....healing energies and white lights sent your way as you make your journey.

  3. I also second Anne Marie and slugmama's wishes that good karma and healing energies flow your way. We all have life choices to make at one time or another and I am confident you will make the right one for you. And yes, you will be able to collect disability and unemployment insurance. Just follow through and don't be discouraged by the inevitable bureaucratic glitches and snafus. The government (state and local) is here to help in situations likes this. I know you prefer to be independent but sometimes we have no choice. Go with the flow and take one step at a time.



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