Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Dropping Like Flies

A local news brief:

Since being transfused (2 units) on Friday I've slept  12+ hours nightly and still feel listless. My limited experience has usually been that I feel my perky self by the second or third day but so far, this hasn't been the case.  I hope I snap back soon.

Pulled it together for an outing Sunday for a short time.  I made the trip early to avoid possible human interaction and infection. As you can see by the image at left, (click to embiggen) the fog was a thick, swirling soup.  Visibility was only about 15 meters. Judging by the number of accidents within the 3-mile radius the fog must have permeated the brains of drivers as well.  It remained foggy most of the day with the temperature rising steadily.

The rains came in the afternoon and the pattering sounds made me sleepy earlier than I would have liked. Gave in went to bed around 4:30 pm.  It's depressingly dark so early that I didn't mind it a bit. I mean, there was nothing else to do?

Woke at 5 am yesterday morning.  After a breakfast and coffee I headed out to attend to errands that could  only be done on a week day. It was gray and warmer still as I stumbled out to a wet, dripping car. Dew covered the trees and remaining leaves and gentle slap sounds were made as the droplets fell to the ground, or car surface.  Made me drowsy again. Jeez!  I just woke up. Bother! I shook it off and started the car.

Perhaps due to the quick-changes in weather, everywhere I went people were hacking, sniffling, and sneezing. Most not bothering to cover their faces.  Stoopid or rude - take your pick.  I was met with runny, red and watery eyes at every turn. Stopped at the ATM at the Credit Union in time to witness a guy sneeze directly onto the keypad, wipe his nose on his sleeve and smile as he shuffled out the door.  I covered my hand with a paper napkin, grabbed my cash and fled. Kept the mask in place, did what needed doing, and quickly returned to the hive apartment home and hearth.  Lit a couple of candles to cheer up the place  - and myself.

Received 2 more medical statements in the mail. They joined the others in the neat pile on the shelf. I'll deal with all that later. Much later!

A call from the State Resource worker came in to let me know that the document copies they requested had been received but that the birth certificate was not acceptable.  It would have to be, I told her, all other documents were destroyed in the floods following Katrina. If she needed proof that the certificate was real, I could bring in the original embossed copy I have used since 1979.  She'll get back to me. Uh-huh. 

Another call came in; this one from the Cancer Center asking about any negative reaction to the transfusion on Friday.  Nice of them to check on me.  I mentioned the Rip VanWinkle sleeping situation, but she wasn't concerned.  I'll see her on Thursday at my regular appointment. 

Enjoyed a supper of teriyaki wings, roasted new potatoes and green beans washed down with home-made iced tea, followed by a bowl of sherbet before a shower and bed. Not as early as previous days - a little after 7, actually.  

And here we are.  Today is another day.  Yes, well, ain't it just?  What new devilry awaits on this Ruby Tuesday?  One cannot even begin to guess, or wants to.

We'll be back after these messages.

And so it goes.


  1. Tried to call you several times on FaceTime. I'll try again today. All is well here. Yesterday we ventured out in the fog headed for Rehoboth Beach (what was I thinking?) We had to turn around because of an accident on Route 1 (what were they thinking?)

    Keep on plugging away my friend. The sun today should invigorate you.

  2. hope you don't catch anything nasty after coming in contact with the great unwashed.


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