Monday, July 7, 2008

Sunday got off as one of those “poor me” days; rotten weather meant big crowds shopping, but my second person arrived 2 hours late. What a help that was. Lost potential customers and missed sales. But, hey, it’s more about her.

Then, another thunder boomer came through knocking out electric power for a few minutes, just long enough to f**k up the programming of the credit card terminal.

The plans to do some grocery shopping on the way home were nixed because there wasn’t an open space in the parking lot. Not. One.

Traffic was another nightmare as I headed home; the heavy rain was no picnic either. Arrived exhausted and soaked to the skin; got out of the wet work drag immediately. Soggy and grumbling, I stepped into the shower and felt better almost instantly.

While listening to the rebroadcast of A Prairie Home Companion I checked email finding a few comments for the blog that required moderation. I was surprised to find one from Loki, the head honcho at Humid City thanking me for linking to a new site he’s been working on. I was amazed; this guy has been working hard (along with other NOLA bloggers) to get the real story of the city’s slow recovery out to the real world. I have been honored to help spread the word, there’s not much else I can do. He would like to meet up while I’m in NOLA next week. I’d like that a lot. Just to meet , buy him a beer, and thank him for his perseverance.

Then, the phone rang and there was marathon conversation with another old friend talking (fantasizing?) about what we were going to do in the tiny 3.5-day window that will encompass my visit. I hope I survive in one piece. Even if we didn’t sleep at all, I doubt we could stuff every suggestion into this one visit.

Look, it’s not physically possible to squeeze everything in. There will be compromise. I am glad to note that someone other than myself is anxious to enjoy this event. Now I don’t feel so crazy. Well, never mind…

All in all, Sunday ended on a positive note as all else from earlier in the day was put into perspective then gradually melted away.

And today? More storms with lightening and thunder. A complete waste of makeup. E’nuf said.

Off tomorrow; Why does the list of errands grow rather than shrink?

And so it goes.


1 comment:

  1. You have one of the most interesting blogs around! I felt as if I was with you slogging through that traffic on Route 1, dodging lightening bolts. Ah yes, the power went out momentarily where I work also, just enough to f**k everything up. Don't you just love it? Sweetness and light. More thunder boomers rolling through today. I'm off to lunch with a friend in Lewes. Hopefully we won't fall in the canal.


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