By the time this is posted we will have been without Internet access for over 18 hours, or more.
When I got up to welcome the day I noticed the red light was still blinking and when I attempted to log on, discovered that I had no Internet access. Since the modem was still in working order I figured it had to be something to do with Verizon. So, I went to work thinking that all would be better when I got back. Not so.
A quicker than usual call to Verizon informed me of an outage in my area which was to be corrected by 6 pm this evening. It wasn't and isn't. The recording said that if all was not well by the 6 o'clock deadline to call again and leave a message. Having tried this 3 times, it is clear that Verizon has routed all complaints to a dead line. It never gets through to the recording device - the call is dropped.
I'm back, but for how long is anyone's guess.
Tomorrow is the beginning of the Memorial Day holiday weekend and the first day I take advantage of the park and ride into town. We'll see how that goes. Stay tuned.
Have a great and safe holiday weekend.
And so it goes.
Verizon, the result inevitable result of cutting services. Whenever I see the Verizon truck at the end of my development I get nervous. When I first moved here I lost service almost everytime after they finished. I went through this nightmare for about eight months until I finally got some satisfaction. Then yesterday. To be fair to Verizon though, I think the ineptitude of the workers in Lewes contributed to the outage of yesterday. I've worked in Lewes for 2 1/2 years now. All that time they're still working on the Canal Front park. I doubt if it will be done in my lifetime. Lower Slower. Absolutely.