Tuesday, October 27, 2009

RNC - FaceBook: Obama+Chicken=Repeal Loving vs. Virginia

OK, so the RNC wants to turn back time (not in a Cher-like way) and repeal Loving vs. Virginia. Somehow, the future of the party looks to be in serious trouble.

BTW, it took almost a week for the eagle eyes at FB to take this down. Click the image to embiggen.

Is it any wonder that less than 20% of Americans identify as Republican anymore? Come to think of it, that's still a hefty number of nutjobs walking around the streets.


More later.


  1. this 20% seems to be very vocal nowadays and seemingly cowing the 80%

  2. It can't be 20%, unless 30% of the others are voting for the wrong side. Elections are pretty close to 50/50. Maybe 20% are Tea Party asses.


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