Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Worrying Resolves Nothing

My beloved grandmother worried about everything.  She would have died of worry if her mind hadn't gone first. From as far back as I can remember each day brought some new something that she just had to worry about. All these somethings were out of her control, but that didn't stop her.

I was raised by my grandparents and though they were poor, it was hardly noticeable.  We ate well, thanks to  my grandfather's fishing, crabbing, shrimping and craw-fishing skills, some of which he passed on to me as a boy. My grandmother was fastidious to the point of insanity.  She would starch and iron my shirts and school clothes, then go on to starch and iron all the sheets and pillow cases in the process.  Sleeping on starched sheets can be a dangerous affair, but I'll leave that to your imagination.

She worried every day of her life.  When I moved to NYC after high school at 17, she worried that I would die because she wasn't cooking my meals. She had conveniently forgotten that she and my grandfather taught me to cook at a very early age.  At one point I wouldn't even tell her if I was going away on holiday because she was sure to watch every news report to find out if my plane crashed.  I would only report back AFTER the fact.  This made her very angry...I had denied her what was obviously her one true, if misguided passion.

In all honesty I have to say that I became a worry-wart too. But, only after taking on the purchase of a new home in 1980, with my then partner of 5 years. A lot of responsibility, that.  The what ifs were everywhere and I bought into them - hook, line, and sinker. Eventually, the angst diminished and things got back to day to day living and paying bills, even some traveling.

Following the breakup 5 years ago; left with nothing; practically homeless at one point, there was another flare up of worrying. I got through those 5 years thanks in part to a few of you readers and a determination to be who I am and not what gossip told people I was.  And I made it.

Where am I going with this?

 Last month I had some routine blood work done and thought nothing more about it. Then I received a call from the Doctor's office Monday evening telling me that there were a few "elevated somethings" that required more clarification, and that I "shouldn't worry about anything."

Please tell me, WHO instructs these a**holes in conducting conversations with patients?  Or, do they learn this crap all by themselves?

Anyway, I didn't worry about it.  I did miss my visit to the Farmers Market and the drive to Assateague, instead spending hours being poked, waiting to be prodded, and waiting to be punctured.  More blood work, vitals double checked with lots of mumbling, tapping keyboards, and witch-doctor histrionics until I was cut loose to make my way home.  (Why all this now when I have no insurance and begin receiving SS and Medicare benefits in less than a month?)

A call came in late afternoon informing me that the doctor would have the results by Friday or Monday.  (No word on when (or if) the doctor would share the results.)  And, again, "nothing to worry about."  What is there to worry about?  I have no classic symptoms of any of the suspect culprits.  Aside from the hands and back, I feel fine. I enjoy a pretty healthy diet, walk quite a bit, and do anything to keep the hands and back in motion.  (Now stop that!) Today, I am black & blue from all the handling, (one of the daily meds causes easy bruising)  my arms look like those of a junkie. I wore a long sleeve shirt to work today - and it was nearly 100'F.

I am annoyed at losing my single day off for this mishugas, so the outcome had better be a blockbuster; or an apology, or I will be royally pissed.

Worry?  Feh!

And so it goes.


  1. You missed your calling. You are an excellent writer. Your words flow smoothly. You have an edge. You're interesting. And oh, DON'T WORRY about the "elevated" crap. That's a standard line the doctors use if ANYTHING is out of the range. Ask to see a printed result of your blood tests. You should see that (which will show you were you are in the range before "elevated") and a doctor (or someone) should sit down with you and explain all this. Don't forget to use your "Introduction to Medicare" tests when you become eligible next month. You've already paid for it and your eligible. Use it before the Repugs (with the help of the spineless Dems) take it away in the "cost cutting". That's what I worry about. This government taking away what we've already paid for and were promised. I don't worry about my "elevated" bilibrubin levels. It's been elevated for ever since I've been taking blood tests and I'm still here, annoying people and causing and occasionally causing havoo where I can. Hang in there my friend!

  2. If the appropriate prescription to cure your worry is a quiet room, a comfortable chair, some good music and "a few olives", tell the MDs to stand in line and take a number and that they shall have to wait until you are finished with your olive therapy.

  3. O.M.G. Couldn't your MD wait a month? Now you have to wait another week [so it was not something serious], otherwise you would have the results the same day.

    Keep up buddy!

  4. @Ron: I am not worried in the least about anything "elevated" at my age. At least something goes up!

    @Will: I take your comment as a prescription and will suffer through 2 olives daily (or more, as needed) for as long as it takes. ;-)

    @Peter: There is no method to the madness in the medical biz in this country. This came out of the blue almost a month AFTER the initial blood work. And don't kid yourself, if I only had 3 days to live, the results would still come out in 5 days. I have no insurance, remember. No money to suck out of me. I've never received test results the same day unless I was in hospital.

    Thanks for the visits and comments, guys. I really appreciate them.


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