Monday, September 29, 2008

Another Food Meme

I thought I had already posted this one, but, well, life happens. I found this one over at Peter's place.

1. How do you like your eggs? Over medium (yoke soft, white hard) with a side of sausage or bacon. Whole wheat toast. No potatoes, please.

2. How do you take your coffee/tea? Coffee: strong homemade w/cream and sweetener. Tea: with honey and lemon hot, or iced in summer.

3. Favorite breakfast food: oatmeal.

4. Peanut butter: Creamy.

5. What kind of dressing on your salad? Balsamic & olive oil.

6. Coke or Pepsi? Neither. Ginger ale or water for me

7. You’re feeling lazy. What do you make? Peanut butter & jelly sandwich.

8. You’re feeling really lazy. What kind of pizza do you order? Mushroom and sausage.

9. You feel like cooking. What do you make? Barbecue beef short ribs w/garlic mashed potatoes and blanched asparagus. I don’t like cooking for one so I make large batches and freeze as single meals.

10. Do any foods bring back good memories? Oysters Rockefeller, Crawfish Etouffee, Lobster.

11. Do any foods bring back bad memories? Rockfish.

12. Do any foods remind you of someone? No. Foods remind me of places and times in my life.

13. Is there a food you refuse to eat? Rockfish, okra, and lima beans.

14. What was your favorite food as a child? Crawfish, watermelon and my grandmother’s homemade cream-cheese ice cream.

15. Is there a food that you hated as a child but now like? I don’t think so.

16. Is there a food that you liked as a child but now hate? Liver.

17. Favorite fruit and vegetable: Fruit: Melons and berries. Vegetable: Asparagus, fresh spinach.

18. Favorite junk food: Pizza and pretzels

19. Favorite between meal snack: grapes or berries.

20. Do you have any weird food habits? I love chocolate covered bacon. Sorry!

21. You’re on a diet. What food(s) do you fill up on? I’ve only done one diet and it changed the way I eat and live. South Beach did it and I eat whatever I want but am aware of quantities and frequency.

22. You’re off your diet. Now what would you like? As in #21, I eat what I want to, but if I were to treat myself it would be a Filet (medium rare) & whole Lobster, usually referred to as surf & turf.

23. How spicy do you order Indian/Thai? Spicy means different things to people. I like spices, but not so hot that one could be feasting on a chunk of cardboard box. Identifying, enjoying what you’re ingesting is important to me, so Jambalaya yes, Vindaloo no.

24. Can I get you a drink? In summer: Gin martini with olives or Gin & tonic. Winter: Scotch or Bourbon. Anytime: Absinthe or wine.

25. Red or White Wine? I enjoy both but prefer a red.

26. Favorite dessert? Summer: Melon. Winter: Ice Cream.

27. The perfect nightcap? I have nothing before turning in. Usually causes strange dreams.

That's the truth.
And so it goes.


  1. Chocolate covered bacon? I never heard of such a thing! NOw, that's a new one for me.

  2. It is delicious, try it by making a tiny sandwich of bacon-choc-bacon, but only with dark chocolate.
    If you don't like the dark stuff (at least 70% cocoa content),then fuggetaboutit.


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