Sunday, July 12, 2009

Random Thoughts

Usually aggressive Pennsylvania drivers become meek when confronted by New York and DC "take no prisoners" professionals. Normally in the left lane, they demure and sputter along under the speed limit in the far right lane here at the beach.

Parents of unruly children in public often appear to be medicated. Shouldn't that be the other way round?

People who make scenes and outrageous demands in public are the most insecure asshats on the planet. (I'll probably hear from Spo on this one.)

Guys with more poorly designed ink on their bodies than in a Kodak printer have no right to make fun of others, for ANY reason.

Teens who smoke ought to do so in the presence of their parents. Then, at least the parents will know not to count on them in their dotage.

Watching bloated William Shatner in those obnoxious travel commercials, I keep waiting for him to explode. Is it just me?

Women over 300 lbs. in bikinis ought to think twice before boarding a bus to the beach. When this vision boarded the bus - rocked it mercilessly - I remembered that I needed to add cottage cheese to the grocery list. My bad.

Men of a similar weight with hair covering every square inch of their bodies daring to wear a thong, should be taken down by tazer, if necessary.

When the truth finally oozes to the surface, the best thing to do (contrary to GWB's example) is own the mistake, ask for forgiveness, and move on. Excuses only dig a deeper hole and undermine whatever credibility you may have had. Just like GWB. Any questions?

I am tired.

And so it goes.


  1. I loved the thought about parents of unruly children. So true!
    I also take comfort in the fact that I do not wear a thong to the beach! *giggle*

  2. Excellent random thoughts! Thank you for sharing. Last night I watched "Boys in the Band" for the first time in 40 years. While some of the movie didn't age well, Leonard Frey's character is still flawless. And it is the same with you my friend, your observations on the absurdities of some of the folks of our culture is hilarious. As Harold said Life. "Life's a goddamn laugh riot."


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