Sunday, November 14, 2010

Films, Lasagna, & Janis Joplin! Works for Me...

 Oh, Yes!

The Rehoboth Beach Independent Film Festival is over and boasting the highest attendance in its history; cineplex parking lots are empty; downtown is returning to normal for November, and a good time was had by all. Tomorrow ought to see things back to normal at the restaurant and I look forward to preparing my to-do list of chores and errands on my "weekend" Tuesday and Wednesday.

The gorgeous Autumn weather brought everyone out and, if not for the movies, into town to shop, play on the beach, or indulge the family in one more day of relaxation and fun.

I was happily surprised when  a co-worker brought in a large container of her home-made Lasagna for me.  This gal makes her own pasta and sausage and the container was still warm.  The aroma was a killer.  Needless to say what is on the supper menu tonight at Chez Cajun. A garlic spread will be made for Garlic Bread, glass of wine, and a green salad will round out the meal. There is enough lasagna for at least 2 meals.

As I enjoyed my after-shift cocktail this evening I was joined by a couple of regular customers that I seldom have opportunity to chat with for any amount of time. It was a nice change to sit, chat, drink, and spend absolutely no time discussing politics, the economy, or world affairs.  We just laughed a lot.  A. Lot.

As I write I am listening to Janis Joplin sing "As Good As You've Been To This World" from her "I Got Dem Ol' Kosmic Blues Again Mama" disc. Recently unearthed from yet another box as it feeds my funky music needs for tonight.

O.M.G. the smells from the oven are heavenly and it's time to prepare the garlic bread for the oven.  Tonight, life is very good indeed.

And so it goes.


  1. It was a glorious day for sure. For the first time since my arm injury of a month ago (this day), I walked the boards. Absolutely loved it.

    Janie Joplin, one of my all time favs. Her music brings back many memories of another time and place.

  2. Lasagna and doesn't get much better than than! I love "Ball and Chain" - my favorite Janis song.

  3. Now you've made me hungry for homemade lasagna! I have not made that in such a long time! (although I do not make my own pasta, etc. I'm not that good.)

  4. I miss After-Shift Coctails with Friends. After a night of waiting tables, we would go out for drinks and half of my tips would go to someone else. Still, good times!
    Your Friend, m.


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