Sunday, September 4, 2011

Labor Day 2011 - Day Three

This is likely to be the most boring post of the weekend, so far.  EVERYTHING was about the same, only larger quantities.

The one difference being that Birthday Brunch mentioned yesterday. 14 Lesbians of a certain age celebrating the 65th birthday of their friend,  one of our regular customers and a friend from my previous life. Eight of the 14 arrived early to knock back drinks at the bar before the others arrived.  When the birthday girl arrived, she and the other 5 made up for the lost time. Grande Margaritas flowed as the gifts were opened and the meals were being prepared. Mercy, but they turned into a rowdy bunch. They laughed and carried on for almost 2 hours with everyone in the dining room getting caught up in the festive atmosphere.

By noon the bar was rapidly filling with Happy Hour folks and the dining room was buzzing with parties of 2 to 10, and from then on I lost track of time.  The steady stream of diners didn't let up until 3 o'clock and we were all pretty worn out. A few were working the dinner shift as well, bless them.

Many visitors are heading home this evening to avoid the traffic nightmare tomorrow.  The kids begin school  on Tuesday, so that was a real downer for them today.

The gay and lesbian crowd began gearing up for Sundance - The Dance tonight by descending on the bar for munchies and drinks at special prices.  They had already been bar-hopping and some were pretty tanked-up already.  I wondered if they would make to 8 pm when the dance begins, or end up asleep, miss it all, and regretting it tomorrow.  Ah, Youth!

When the bar is that crowded and noisy, I tend to skip the AS cocktail, opting instead to head home.  Not tonight.  A co-worker grabbed me by the elbow and said, "c'mon Shirley, we're going to have a cocktail and laugh at all the crazies".  Which we did for almost an hour, from our own little staked out corner at the very back of the bar.  And what a laugh-fest it was. Don't worry, no pictures were taken. It was just great fun.

Winding down and realizing how tired we were thanks to the cocktail, we went our separate ways. Supper is being prepared as I enjoy another 2 olives.  It will be another early night.  Have to be at work early again tomorrow, the final day of the long Labor Day weekend. I hope there will be more of interest to post in the evening.

More later.

1 comment:

  1. Your posts are never boring "Shirley." By the way, Loud Lesbians at a Rehboth Beach Bar? What are the odds? I'm glad everyone had a good time. Happy Labor Day to all!


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