Monday, February 20, 2012

Dead Presidents, Fat Tuesday, & Lent

The busiest weekend since the Christmas/New Year holidays. Who'da thunk it? The combination of Presidents weekend holiday and Mardi Gras hot on its heels made for a wild ride these past 4 days.

We celebrate the birthdays of Presidents George Washington and Abraham Lincoln (both born in February  - though 10 days and years apart, of course) midway between the two, and this year we were smacked with Mardi Gras (also celebrated all weekend) which ends tomorrow at sundown; leading us into the season of LENT.  Yes, at the restaurant we even have a special menu for Ash Wednesday dinner.  I kid you not.

Note:  If you don't know what LENT is, well it's the 40 days leading up to Easter when certain religions demand that a person fast and give up something they love.  I wonder why war is still around.  I mean, after all.  We *do* seem to love it more than anything...never mind.

As if the town wasn't already reeling from these festivities, another 2 big events occurred at the Convention Center; a hospital sponsored Health Fair on Saturday from 1 to 7 PM; a multi-estate auction on Sunday from 9 AM til ?, meaning the restaurant was slammed both day and night those 2 days.  Oh, and did I mention that the February weather was downright balmy, not winter-like at all?  Well, it was.

The bookend days were Friday - as people arrived for the extended weekend, and today - as they had one more chance to relax with us before returning home.

Long, exhausting days to be sure, and we are all paying the price physically.  I slept like a baby (or a rock) the past 2 nights and while dealing with back and hand pain, I still rested pretty well.

My weekend starts tonight and as I enjoyed a Golden Margarita for the AS cocktail,  made plans to squeeze the most out of the next 2 days off. Nothing set in stone or urgent, mind you, just rest and catching up on trivial matters and chores. 

Gah!  Isn't my life just riveting, though?  Now, don't be jealous. Just send me $5.00 and a self-addressed stamped envelope and I will send you all the secrets to the glamorous life I lead.  Heh!

And so it goes.


  1. Let me guess, the Ash Wednesday menu is grilled Blackened Red Snapper served with crusts of burnt toast.

  2. Only $5.00 to the secrets of a fabulous life? What a deal!
    Get some rest.


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