Thursday, February 23, 2012

A February Day in Rehoboth Beach...

At least I think it's February. Of course, images like this can be deceiving and it could be colder than anyone could imagine. Not so, trust me.  Would I lie to you?

 I walked to work today sporting a light jacket, and even that was too much.  Not. Joking.  The town was buzzing and people, pets, bicycles, and skateboards were everywhere.

I believe this photo sums up the weather today and it's going to be even warmer tomorrow.
Reading while catching a few rays on the benches in front of the restaurant this afternoon.
The library is a few doors up the block and folks take advantage of the good weather by reading on the benches while sipping bottled water, or enjoying a coffee from the bakery nearby.

The weekend forecast is another story.  Meanwhile, there's this.  I'll take it.

And so it goes.


  1. The Bradford Pears are confused here in Atlanta but without sounding like my grandfather it is a sure sign of a cold and snowy March.


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