Thursday, February 9, 2012

A Good Argument Against TV Service

Not a busy day at the restaurant today and pretty boring, one of the big screens was set to the CNN channel. (Gag!)  I haven't seen their format in a few years and it was interesting to see how slick and tech-savvy (forget content) they have become.

There was no sound (thank you Jeebus!) and the closed captioning is awful.  Not only difficult to follow, but spelling errors are distracting and quite humorous at times. Still, I tried to follow along as best I could, mostly.

So, in the 90 minute time frame I allowed myself to be tortured subjected to, there were interviews with Rick Santorum (Obama is going to be-head all Christians), a rep from the Catholic League (on the EWTN suit against the contraception mandate in employee medical insurance) which was followed by a segment with Tony Perkins, of the Family Research Council (on contraception and the recent news out of California and Washington State regarding gay marriage). The FRC has been designated a Hate Group by the SPLC, so why is he considered a neutral pundit?

This led to an interview with ol' Crazy Eyes (Michelle Bachman) herself (why, I don't know) where the subtitles were so confusing, I just had a good chuckle.  It was unclear whether the scribe was unable to follow her closely, or if Michelle was just spouting her usual nonsense.  Why do her opinions matter anymore?

Then I shivered through a story about the creepy Kardashians and learned more than I ever wanted to know about this bizarre clan of grifters. If ignorance of this crap is bliss, I must have been close to Nirvana.  Damn!

There was no eye bleach around, so I went to the men's room and washed my face with cold water to snap myself back to reality. If that's what this is.

Rethinking the extra expense for basic TV service and not sure it's worth it.  I need a cold compress and an aspirin.

And so it goes.


  1. So how do you get your news? Fox?

  2. @Mark: From the web, usually the European outlets. As I said, I have no TV service at home.


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