Sunday, December 14, 2008

Fire Sale - Everything Must Go!

From today’s NYT:
Imagine if President Bush, on his last day in office, invited his friends to lift the Lincoln portrait from the White House Dining Room, take the 18th- century furniture from the Map Room and — for good measure — poison the Rose Garden on the way out.

In essence, he is doing the same thing this month with land that belongs to every American — the magical redrock country of the Southwest.

Well before it was a bumper sticker and a chant at Sarah Palin rallies, “drill, baby, drill” became the overriding mission of the political hacks who oversee more than 200 million acres of public land for Bush. At a frantic pace, they have opened up to oil and gas leasing canyons of golden slickrock, mesas once known only to hunters and pronghorn antelope, and little hideaways near the open-aired art galleries of the Anasazi.

Take what you want, they said — and get while the getting is good. It was a plunderfest that produced a gangster culture, with dozens of high-level Interior Department employees exchanging sex, cocaine and gifts with the industry they were supposed to be doing arms-length business with, according to a scathing and quickly forgotten report this year by the agency’s inspector general.

At the time of the report, with gas reaching $4 a gallon, many people shrugged and said we need the oil — drill, baby, drill. Now gas is selling for a pittance, but that hasn’t stopped the fire sale. Everything must go!
Read the rest HERE.

(BTW, Mr. Egan is very easy on the eyes.)

None of this has been covered at any length by the media. Well, what with following Sarah Palin everywhere and printing her every word on anything, and making valiant attempts to link Obama to the Illinois governor's scandal, I mean, who has the time???

Apropos of nothing I am attending a performance of an original musical of ‘Scrooge’ this afternoon. Perhaps it will give my holiday spirits a jump start.

And so it goes.

1 comment:

  1. I used to wonder if the nation or the world could survive George Bush's tenure.

    Then the election of Obama restored my hope.

    Now the actions of Bush have brought me back to my fear. A little over a month. Can we survive?


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