Saturday, March 16, 2013

St. Pat's Weekend: Full of Surprises.

Never believe a weather forecaster.  The predicted rains, high winds and coastal flooding must have happened in an alternate universe. Here, the morning sky was partly cloudy, then the sunshine warmed this beach town to a balmy 60' F.

Walked in to the restaurant this morning to be greeted by more shamrocks, pots-o-gold, and green everything else, than you would find in a Mexican Restaurant in Ireland. The LocosGuys must have stayed later to decorate the place. Unbelievable! None of these overly festive trappings were even hinted at yesterday.

Of course the bar-hoppers were out early, dressed for the occasion and out in huge numbers; many of our regular customers wore the green, as well. I cannot describe the images that my poor eyes were subjected to. And you know, "what has been seen, cannot be unseen."

As word about the great weather at the beach spread, (thanks to iPhones, iPads, etc.) the town filled up quickly. The streets were filled with grownups in festive costumes sporting tons of beads trying out their best Irish Brogue.  Everyone was having a good time.

The restaurant had a great lunchtime crowd, and there are no more reservations for this evening. Packed house all evening.

Walking by another restaurant on the way home I could hear a piano and many voices singing what I assume was an Irish folk song.  Even though I couldn't understand the lyrics, muffled by the closed windows, I figured that a good time was going on inside.

I am about to enjoy my St. Pat's martini (with GREEN olives, dontcha know!) followed by a light supper of something NOT green.

Tomorrow promises to be another day of celebration as we have a few big parties booked for lunch.  A party of 12, another of 16, and another of 14.  Should be another interesting day.

And so it goes.


  1. Please warm the place up this week for weekend next.

  2. being busy is better than being bored?

    you will need a day off after this weekend. and hopefully you will have off NEXT WEEKEND!

    you and my spouse have something in common - love of silent movies. he looks forward to chatting with you.


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